Integrated Management Policy

  • Clients
Constantly increase their satisfaction with the quality of products.
  • Colleagues
Always zeal for the Health and Safety of all at work.
  • Environment
Reduce environmental impact.
Compliance with Legislation To be aware and always respect rules and legislation applicable to the products, activities and care for Health, Safety and the Environment.
Continuous Improvement To constantly optimize work methods, in the pursuit for better processes and results, fewer accidents, preventing waste and reducing the environmental impact.
Sustainable Growth Always cooperate to achieve the team’s personal and professional growth, through continuous education, creating a larger, healthier and safer FERBASA on an everyday basis.
Geraldo O. Lopes CEO Marta Barroso Administrative Officer Sérgio C. Dória Commercial Officer José S. Viana Forest Resources Officer J. Ronaldo Sobrinho Mining Officer Oséias da Rocha Flau Industrial Officer Giorgio Boscaini Engineering Officer Victor Rodrigues Chief Financial Officer