Social Responsibility Policy
A pioneer in social responsibility, FERBASA has always been concerned with the development of the regions where it exercises its activities, which is why, in 1989, Exame magazine awarded it the title of Corporate Citizen. Created with the aim of supporting its social projects and actions, the Aqui tem FERBASA program is based on lines of action that include the areas of education, art, culture, sports, rural and community development, and the environment, benefiting a variety of municipalities and rural communities located in the Metropolitan Region of Salvador, as well as the North Coast, Central North and Central South regions of Bahia state. As a result, when FERBASA grows, society grows along with it.
The basic principles that guide the Socio-Environmental Actions policy are:
- Respect for laws;
- Adherence to the Conduct Code and its ethical and legal principles;
- Constant quest for an open and constructive dialogue with all groups;
- Respect for the interests of our stakeholders;
- Education for human development and citizenship;
- Appreciation of the local culture;
- Promoting best practices and environmental education.